I am reading all my pls and I just realized I am very random
I am reading all my pls and I just realized I am very random
I love hello neighbor and tangled the series my favorite characters are Cassandra,rapunzel,eugene, and my most favorite
Does anyone here like writing and singing songs.I do I am not so sure if I am good ( I know I don't sound that good) but I love doing it so that's what I am to do because I enjoy it and I am good at writing songs and I think EVERYONE should do and be who they want to be
Bewitched67 yes love it
JD2005 I don't.
Bewitched67 beyourself if anyone thinks your bad at doing what you love don't et them make you fell bad
KnightStar I do that too!
lunamoonlight I write a lot of songs as well as poems, and I sing a lot. I don't normally sing my own songs often, mostly just ones by other people, but I have sang some of my own to other people before.
Bewitched67 um everyone who sees this please post a pic of fav artists
KnightStar I don't have a favoirit artist
Hobbypony I love Most nightcore song
Schools done and I some up at 9:30 am
cookie122105 Kkkkkk
KnightStar Wow...you are done with school VERY early!
TylerTheDrummer WOW! The earliest I finished a whole day of school was around 10:00am! (I'm homeschooled BTW)
lunamoonlight I am behind by a couple weeks, so good for you.
Queeny Earliest I finished was 6:00 am! (It was a really bad night...)
KnightStar Ditto Luna! I am too.
lunamoonlight Srsly, i just been chilling on kidznet all the time wen I need to read The Secret Garden (I've seen the movie 2 times!)
KnightStar I've seen that movie 4 times! Beat that!
GemHeart I usually get done at lunch these days...
lunamoonlight I mean the black and white version, well there is color at the end, pretty good storyline
Hobbypony Posts
Pumpkin yeah. We all are!