GemHeart Hi, and yes. We have a big yard and lots of little trench areas, so flooding happens sometimes. I live in FL (as does Knight and Queeny), and it has been raining a lot lately. BTW welcome! There aren't many users here, so when someone new comes on, we notice cuz most of us know users' names by memory!
HorseGirl221 Thanks, guys! How did u know that I was new_lol?!?
KnightStar Everyone knows when new users come because 1. They haven't posted before. 2. They seem new to meeting everyone etc!
JD2005 I agree with Star!
JD2005 Actually I was checking your profile to see if you've posted before!
GemHeart Hi, and yes. We have a big yard and lots of little trench areas, so flooding happens sometimes. I live in FL (as does Knight and Queeny), and it has been raining a lot lately. BTW welcome! There aren't many users here, so when someone new comes on, we notice cuz most of us know users' names by memory!
HorseGirl221 Hhahahahaha, Ok, I get it! 😂
cookie122105 ii live in OK U.S
HorseGirl221 That's awesome Cookie!! I live there too!!
cookie122105 oklahoma ???
HorseGirl221 Um, no, I live in North Carolina!