My phone stopped working yesterday and it was sent to a nearby store. They repaired it successfully, but they had to reset it to factory settings, so all my photos, songs, videos, contacts, apps, saved artworks and everything were deleted, for ever! Unfortunately, I didn't upload them to a cloud storage... So sad...
JD2005 😖 They also said, it went wrong because I didn't update the software for a long time. Why didn't I check!? WHAT THE H**K!?
lunamoonlight I know how you feel, sorta. Awhile ago I broke my tablet and they couldn't save any of my game's progress, I had gotten really far in all of them, then had to start over and I still haven't gotten as far as I was. As well as all my pictures and videos and everything being deleted. And I made a purchase to unlock stuff in one of my games and had to spend more money to get it unlocked a second time.
JD2005 Nope, it's not possible so update it immediately or the same thing will happen to you! :-(
JD2005 They said to check for updates every 15-20 days, or otherwise, it'll happen again.