RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET is going to be one of the greatest movies of all time! What do you think? 😆 #WreckItRalphSequel
JD2005 The Disney Princesses scene!
FunHeart1010 I agreee!!!
Queeny I haven't seen the original movie, though I really wanna see this one!
JD2005 I'll try to post the trailer soon! 😃
JD2005 Posted the trailer... Check it out!
GemHeart "Did a man save you?" "EXACTLY YAS!" "Aw, then she's a princess!" XD I watched the first a few days ago because I havent watched it in years
GemHeart (Annnnd that subtitle is in Japanese XD)
JD2005 Yes it's the Japanese poster! I've noticed that before! XD
Who's your favourite superhero or superheroine?
Mine are Batman and Superman! ✊ #JusticeLeague
Queeny SpIdER-mAn anD bAtMan
KnightStar I don't really watch super heroes, but I like Batman and Spider-Man.
GemHeart I like Spiderman and Robin, though both have been dumbed down to rather kiddish characters. I liked Robin better when he was like Batman, cool and great at fighting (not the Lego version)!
FunHeart1010 Spiderman!
GemHeart HOW COME EVERYONE LOVES SPIDERMAN? I guess cuz us girls like him cuz he's geeky or something?! XD *SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN, GOTTA DO WHAT A SPIDER CAN XD* IK I messed up those lyrics somehow XD
KnightStar I used to like the actor of him, Tom Holland. I don't really watch super heroes.
JD2005 OMG! This is just AMAZING!! I can't believe my eyes!!!
GemHeart I can read it! ;)
KnightStar I can read it.
Queeny I can read it
lunamoonlight easy, but amazing
JD2005 Agreed Luna!
Hobbypony I can
Add me as a friend! 😁
For comics lovers... 😁
Which are your fave comic strips? 💬
I like Dennis The Menace, Calvin & Hobbes, Tiger, and Nancy. 📓
FunHeart1010 I like TheOdd1sOut!
KnightStar My sister really likes the TheOdd1sOut! I like him too!
GemHeart I like BabyBlues, and TheOdd1sOut, and also ASFD animations (only some, some of them make no sense XD)>
😂 LOL! XD 😂 #BestMemeEver
Have a nice weekend! 😁
I've a club where you can post your artworks, stories, songs, poems etc. It's called 'The Creativity Club'. (https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/909304) Please join and unleash your creativity!
JD2005 Yes it is, Titi!
craycraypurples I'm going to watch it
craycraypurples I is so excited
Queeny Can't wait till the movie!
JD2005 Same!
FunHeart1010 Cant wait for the movie!