278,637 Points

Area 51-Chan is kawaii, isn't she? 👽

Image courtesy: Meme Girls on WebToon.

forgxtten oh wow yeah

lunamoonlight Oh my cookies she looks kawaii

Queen157 Yea she kinda is

GemHeart Wut the?!

KnightStar aww- wait

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JD2005 Love it... ❤

Queen157 Woow

forgxtten thanks for sharing oof

JD2005 AG, no problem, but why did you say ''oof''?

GemHeart Love it!!!!! :D

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Share this post if I am a friend to you

Not just like friending on KN but friends

Queen157 Thx!

JD2005 NP :D

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I’m hungry for points 🤤

Can we have a kn contest for points

Share if you agree


JD2005 I agree, because contests like that had been arranged earlier on KT, but not here on KN.

Queen157 Thx for agreeing JD

JD2005 NP!


Oof... The creepy side of Duo. 😅

Image courtesy: Chapter 1 (Duolingo-Chan) of Meme Girls, on WebToon.

lunamoonlight Duolingo taught one of my friends to say "I have no family" in Japanese.

forgxtten omg

Queen157 XDDD

GemHeart LOL yes. Duo has killed me many times now.

JD2005 @lunamoonlight 😳

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Maybe ks should have a last online thing

Queen157 Yea

spiltmilk wdym??

Queen157 Yea

forgxtten super nuggets it doesn’t need to be approves because it’s already been approved before, so it goes straight through

darksun Yeah

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Queen157 Xddd

JD2005 LOL

lunamoonlight Lol

lunalovegoodmolly Oh my gods!!!!

KnightStar i-

KittyKat I'm so confused lol

forgxtten llm welcome to the club

FairyPrincess Omg watt

JD2005 😂

Queen157 XDDD #LOL

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Elfy girl

lunalovegoodmolly So pretty!!!!

forgxtten cute!

yent628 wowwwwwwwww

KittyKat So cute!! I love her little flower crown ^.^

Queeny Beautiful!!

lunamoonlight PRETTY

supercoolpenguin wow I love it

Emelyisaway OMG ADORABLE

GemHeart :3

JD2005 @GemHeart :D

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#MollyTheSheltie it's sunny for once.

forgxtten yep

KittyKat Awww!

JD2005 Aww...

Queen157 Awww

Queen157 Nice

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forgxtten me XD

Queen157 Omg lol

JD2005 LOL

Queen157 Lol


KittyKat I relate to the second one

UmmKairi Ok but amagi brilliant park is hilarious

supercoolpenguin yas lol