JD2005 #StayHome #SaveLives #StopCoronavirus #AloneTogether
lunalovegoodmolly So cute!!
forgxtten mY sHiP iS sAiLinG
JD2005 ❤ S H I P ❤
KnightStar awww
GemHeart Your ship is sailing?! I HAVE CREATED A MONSTER XD
JD2005 AW, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also, thanks for being my best friend. I'll miss you so much... I can't describe in words. ❤
KnightStar :( THANK YOU GEM TAGGING ME!! Tagging on paper, at least. Also goodbye. Imma be sad, but I have your email so tis not that bad.
JD2005 Find original group post at: The Meme Squad
Ada4 Yep, that makes...lol
KnightStar me tho
GemHeart That makes two of us,
JD2005 Find original group post at: The Meme Squad
Ada4 Wow
lunamoonlight Lol
KnightStar HAHAHAHAHA. most likely my dad, I mean one time I pretended to make a restaurant on his stomach lol weird times
GemHeart LOL YESSSSSS. My dad let us girls draw on his back with magic markers when we were 5 XD
lunalovegoodmolly Thanks
JD2005 NP!
When Santa becomes Santa Claus-Chan... 😍
Image courtesy: Chapter 30 (Santa Claus-Chan) of Meme Girls, on WebToon.
Emelyisaway loool i love merryweather
JD2005 Find original group post at: The Meme Squad
lunamoonlight Oh nuuu... unlikely but I hope that was marker, but he could just say it was a more cartoon-like version ig.
forgxtten omg lol
lunalovegoodmolly Wow
KnightStar WOW. that guy's amazing. IT WAS SOO CLOSE.
Queen157 Uh oh