This may seem funny, but this is a kinda great method to maintain social distancing in crowded places, like roadside markets. Isn't it? 🇮🇳
This may seem funny, but this is a kinda great method to maintain social distancing in crowded places, like roadside markets. Isn't it? 🇮🇳
JD2005 Find original group post at: The Meme Squad
ammyk That’s just terrifying. I want it.
KnightStar thats just depressing
Queeny S'cuse me where can I get one of those??
lunamoonlight How dumb... I'll buy ten.
GemHeart LOL same Luna
ammyk luna XD
British dialect coach and 'Star Wars' actor Andrew Jack has died from COVID-19. #RIP.
KnightStar That's sad...
Queen157 I heard that a few days ago
#JDPhoto #NatureIsBeautiful
I took this photo almost 1 year ago, but who cares lol. Posting this now because nature photography is one of my hobbies, and this is one of my all-time favorite photos.
KnightStar so pretty!
lunamoonlight Dark clouds and white in one picture, cool.
ammyk Wow!
Queeny Woah!
JD2005 Thanks guys! 😁
KnightStar :( oof
ammyk yeah, basically
lunamoonlight the kid doesn't have a mask
JD2005 Great catch, luna. I haven't noticed it before, lol. Maybe the artist made a mistake?
lunamoonlight That or the parents
ammyk Luna maybe it’s referring to how the parents are super cautious and the kid just wants to go out and play?
ammyk @JD2005 I don’t think so. Cuz why would u go to the work of illustrating the rest of his face if u could just make it a blank white mask?
JD2005 @ammyk Maybe you're right. I hadn't thought of that.
GemHeart Yeah XD
I came to know from @Queen157's post that you can text another user on Duolingo. I tried to find out how, but failed to do so. Can anyone please help me out?
Queen157 Try to go on discussions? I can’t, I’m 12 😖
JD2005 @Queen157 I did, didn't work. I'm 14, BTW.
Crafter4017 hmm
lunamoonlight 18 or older
ammyk XD
KnightStar wow, thats a good idea
Ada4 IKR!
Queen157 Cool idea