278,637 Points


Ada4 What in the....(JK I get it)

KnightStar mine too lol


Ada4 What?

craftqueen55 XDXD

🎂 #RememberingEinstein 🎂
Happy birthday, Sir!

Ada4 I heard Einstein's birthday is today and yeah that's what your'e saying

KnightStar Happy B Day Einstein! hope you can say hello to God for moi.

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Also, today is the birthday of another legendary scientist, Mr. Albert Einstein!
🎂 #RememberingEinstein 🎂

lunamoonlight cool!

lunamoonlight Are those pi digits all around the frame?

JD2005 Agreed Star!

JD2005 Maybe luna!

CSeriestechhero I learned that today when we had to a fun, but hard assignment about Pi.

CSeriestechhero Also Stephen Hawking died on 3/14. He might have been Pi intolerant. So sad! We miss you Stephen Hawking!!!

GemHeart WELP. Very, very cool!

Queeny Happy Birthday Albert!

lunamoonlight Pi intolerent lol.

JD2005 Yes, we miss you Hawking!

Ada4 Yeah I actually did know that! His birthday's on pi day (Not to brag but I also knew that)

lunamoonlight lol, perfect

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Pumpkin omg...

Ada4 mama mia

Kinso That's Illegal.

lunamoonlight I doubt it's illegal


Kinso I know I showed my parents and they said it was illegal to mark up the price because some one needs it and there isnt enough. Mind: Its a meme. I dont know if they know that though.

lunamoonlight Um, that is exactly why someone would jack up the price, because people need it and there isn't enough. Because they would get away with making people pay more money. That is people for you.

KnightStar @Kinso lol, for a moment there i thought i could sell my toilet paper

Queeny It's not illegal because your actually paying for the ring, not the toilet paper. Lol, don't think to hard on it

JD2005 Agreed Queeny, lol.

GemHeart I love this...

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JD2005 😂

Pumpkin XD

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KnightStar ikr

Ada4 I get it 😏

Tintin1956 lol

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PHEW... 😂

JD2005 Find original group post at: The Meme Squad


Pumpkin omg

lunamoonlight *Karma from AC comes in* *Karma kicks phone into hole*

GemHeart Me: KARMA. Karma: Why you look so sad, bro, that your fave phone?! Me: IT WAS MY ONLY PHONE. Karma: Well it’s gone now


lunamoonlight Oof, lol

Twentyonepilotsan I don't get it....

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JD2005 😁


ammyk XD