2,441 Points

What is your phobia ? Mine is throw up and crokroches

GemHeart Oh, and also I'm sorta scared of getting lost? IDK.

JD2005 @AlbiSeli Yeah...

KnightStar My height problems are bad too, as normal. I go on a waterslide and I'm shaking. SHOOK MY SISTERS.

lunalovegoodmolly small spaces, heights, death, blood, ect. Simular to GH

lunamoonlight I also have a fear of being in a small room with a lot of people. My mind automatically counts about how many people should be in a certain sized room, if there are more than my mind's limit, I go into my form of panic mode, which is going to a wall or more preferably a corner, closing my ears and humming a bit. (I go to a corner cause I know no one is behind me, i close my ears because I hate the loud noise, and I hum because it calms me down.) Not sure if this would count as Agoraphobia or a form of Claustrophobia or a mix of both.

AlbiSeli Wow. Only me isn't afraid to death?

KnightStar I'm not afraid of death, Albi. I'm just afraid of where I'm going after death. I'm only afraid of not fulfilling my life. I'm only afraid if there really is nothing.

AlbiSeli I'm not scared about that, I'm kinda exciting.

forgxtten Spiders. I hate the way they move. ugh. Aragog & co didn’t help in the movie

forgxtten Harry Potter & the Chamber of secrets, btw

Thank you to Luna love for sharing my post she is my first share!!!!!

lunalovegoodmolly No prob! I did it and I will do it again!