Gemheart, I found a manga pic you might like
Gemheart, I found a manga pic you might like
Crystal Im stumped too...
FluffyBunnyGirl2 I think the problem is correct because the final answer is correct.
Happy Women Equality Day!!
🙋 🙍 🙎 🙆 🙅 👧 👩 👸 👵 👰 👼 💇 💆 💁 💐 💓
We ain't all perfect
TwilightStarDust That's me just walking in the hall way!😓😂😅 I'm all like, I meant to do that.
Pugkid Lol loved that vid
Crystal I really like the vid!
Crystal Those shoes look really uncomfortable!
FluffyBunnyGirl2 LOL!
PurplePanda2005 Me when I fall: no I'm fine
Sweet corn or salty corn? 🌽 🌽 🍴 😛
Crystal Sweet corn with salted butter!
digglehead Agree With crystal 🌽 🌽 🍴 😛
What's your 'dream' school? I would love to go to Greenwich Academy someday because of he environment there.
FluffyBunnyGirl2 My dream school is Hogwarts.
Pugkid My dream school is middle school from the movie worst years of my life
Crystal Like a real school? Maybe ever after high
Pugkid That's Japanese anima
Crystal What is manga?
digglehead Watch Naruto Gem.