Jenny Hi?
Sakutotade Hello guys
Crystal Hey
digglehead Okay what just happen?
MusicTigerSmile just sayin hi
MOO73 1 why 2 why
Jenny LOL
MOO73 Hahahaha
LouTheLuver That's me with my sis
YorkieGirl lol
Pugkid That's me and my cousin
Jenny True
GemHeart All the time...
LouTheLuver Me: Need to perfect it up...no forgot the date...agh a word's missing..
Teacher: Give me your paper, please
Me: Uhhhhhh
All these are so me!
GemHeart Yeah. But now, I don't bother drawing the sun. At all.
TwilightStarDust So true!!!
Crystal Lol!
arkzo so true
YorkieGirl true lol
TylerTheDrummer YES! That's excatly what I done...specially number 4!
MusicTigerSmile For me, especially number 1 😅
MusicTigerSmile I have about 32 notebooks I call diaries and either forget about it, rip it off or can't find the key for the lock
GemHeart Yeah! I try, and try and try! But, my life just ain't interesting enough. LOL
Jenny Me too
arkzo yeah....
Jenny 😂 😂 😂
Sakutotade Hahaha
Crystal Cool
digglehead LOL
MOO73 😂 😂 😂 😃 😃 😃 😂
FunHeart1010 That is like my brother! Hahahahah! 😂 😂 😂