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FunHeart1010 yup XD

lunalovegoodmolly Oh my goodness so funny

KnightStar Netflix is not watching....I am parasite 1

lunamoonlight XD, my mom needs to do this lol

forgxtten I’m parasite 2. he’s all grey.

Pumpkin LOL!



CSeriestechhero YEAH! a unsafe, blocked website! I love not having a working chromebook!

GemHeart I'm Parasite 3 XD XD XD

Queeny I'm parasite 2 lol

cassettekid wut.

KnightStar I'm one, because I'M A GREAT PARASITE!!

CSeriestechhero oh. it was an image this whole time

CSeriestechhero thats my dad and mt siblings when it comes to netflix

Good Night Friends :D

When I get arrested:

lunalovegoodmolly Lol. I doubt that

The Purrfect Gift

lunalovegoodmolly Lol

If I forget to feed my cat:

lunalovegoodmolly Lol

Why Do We Hate Gifts From Cats?

lunalovegoodmolly Omg

forgxtten awww...

I pray every day, and it is nice to know that cats do too lol

lunalovegoodmolly Lol



forgxtten LoLOlolOLllOLOLOLlolOlolOlol

More content has been added to the KS magazine!

GemHeart K!

GemHeart K!

cassettekid how did i not know about that.

Rate Me As An Emoji!

Chaarkol 👌!

JD2005 👌

Pumpkin thanks!

cassettekid we get along

forgxtten I rate you... Kitten!🐱

How did you all find this? Luna posted it eight months ago, I shared it four months ago, and now everyone is sharing it. I found a larger higher quality image than what Luna found originally. It says the same thing, but I covered the bad word.

JD2005 I was looking through her timeline and I was the first one to share it! XD

lunalovegoodmolly 20

GemHeart Before you came we did a round of it as well! We do rounds with these things sometimes