Holahi Awww lol
KnightStar We can't help the wolves, unless you'll stop suggesting malls and houses.
FairyPrincess #HelpTheWolves
JD2005 Thanks for sharing!
Pumpkin Knight be positive :)
KnightStar I know Kitten, but I can't help seeing the government build new stuff and kill the animals just because it's on their property. The animals were there first anyways.
lunalovegoodmolly Hashanah
GemHeart Good job? I mean, you're not an evil mastermind XD
Pumpkin Heh heh
Important updates
First, a big Shout out to Queen157 and GemHeart for working on articles for the magazine. I would like to post an article about the wolves today.
lunalovegoodmolly Okay!
lunalovegoodmolly #HelpTheWolves