30,212 Points
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My attempt at a person. The only good things about it are the pups and the background....

Junior I meant lips instead of pups lol.

JD2005 Nice!

Junior Thanks!!!!!!

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#share this post 📪 if you love animals!

JD2005 @lunamoonlight Look at this! I know you are gonna love it.

Queen157 @luna plz look!!

Queen157 I made a bigger ine

Queen157 Seee

JD2005 Cool!


KnightStar Coolio ; )

I have onygophagia... i am recovering lol

lunamoonlight Never had it. Never really a habit of mine. Its onyCHophagia btw.

Autumn I have...Dermatillomania

JD2005 What's that? I have to look it up.

CoralSophie08 Good you’re recover8ng!

Queen157 @luna thx for correcting

Junior Yeah!!

pakkash praying for you



So something has been wrong with me for the past 20 days, so at 2:00 I will be talking with my doctor. She wants to talk to me in a Web meeting.

Kind of scary, dont ya think???

lunalovegoodmolly I hope your okay!

Twentyonepilotsan Oh hope it goes well good luck!

JD2005 Hope you are well.

Queen157 Triend learning anime

lunamoonlight They look kinda like eyes from MLP. The second is usually how I draw eyes.

Omg, i read my posts, and I realize I have no feelings at all

GemHeart LOL...

GemHeart LOL...

Junior That's funny. Hindsight is 20-20. If that's how you use that saying lol

Describe ma internet persona

KnightStar Not sure if ya have one

Junior Welllll, I am new here soooo....

Junior 😄

Queen157 @knight i dont 😢😢😢