Lol I found this

JD2005 LOL

TylerTheDrummer Lol

FairyPrincess Xd

Hey guys, have you all watched Aladdin? I’m about to watch it today and I wanted to know what you thought about it.

JD2005 No, unfortunately.

ammyk U mean the new one? I have only seen a preview, but it looks SUPER cool.

SZ07 I just watched it! Would totally recommend

Holahi It’s so good

ammyk Ok, I watched it, and LOVED it!

ammyk Jasmine is a GREAT singer, and the acting is all really good. But Aladdin wasn't as good a singer. It was still awesome.

ammyk The costumes were also really cool

SZ07 it was amazing!

FairyPrincess Nope

Hi! I’m not exactly new but I was here when kidznet first started with another name: MusicTigerSmile 😆 😅

KidzSearch Welcome back!

JD2005 WB! 😅 😆

KnightStar Welcome back! I saw you in older posts!

Kiddlol288 Welcome back

TylerTheDrummer Hi! And welcome back!

Queeny Welcome back!

GemHeart WB !!! I remember ya!

SZ07 Thanks guys!

FairyPrincess I saw you in older posts!