4,192 Points

Hey guys! I'm making a new game that is going to use this character that I made up called Plastisheep. I know the name is funny, but it literally describes him. He is a sheep that is basically made out of plastic. He is based off a minecraft sheep (very heavily based in fact). As I said tho, I am making a game with him, so I would really like it if y'all would give me some ideas for it. I'll give you some examples - Maybe you could shear him and get plastic to craft things. Maybe add some voice lines occasionally (he uses the IVONA 2 Eric (US) Text-to-Speech Voice).

TheUltimateRealDude1 Oh and btw my new prof pic is his face

JD2005 Cool.

Oops my brain went

My brain during school be like:

Pumpkin lol

How do you share a video from your computer instead of YouTube. I'd prefer not to have to upload these just to share them.

lunamoonlight I don't think you can do that on KN. If you figure it out I'd love to post a couple of videos.

#share this post if you should be doing school right now.

(This isn't my meme guys but it was so funny lol)

Person1: I cried when my dad chopped onions.

Person1: Onions was a good dog.


KittyKat O.I wait,wth????

Queeny hol' up-

darksun wait hol' up

So I've gone to posting memes. Quarantine does weird things to a person.

Pumpkin lol

Pumpkin I do it even when life is normal...

My school assignment: Report on the African economy

Me: Totally unprepared on the day I'm supposed to give it

Teacher: Please step up and present your assignment


lunamoonlight Lol

KittyKat OMG lol

supercoolpenguin lol

KnightStar Haha, I be like showing Uganda memes left and right.

TheUltimateRealDude1 Welp

Sophiacodingirl OMG

Ada4 lol


Emelyisaway papa franku!!!

JD2005 XD

KnightStar PAPA FRANKU!!!!!

TheUltimateRealDude1 :D

TheUltimateRealDude1 @legolasxx