8,885 Points

Have not been on much lately. Thought this video was really funny...

Pumpkin Lol

cassettekid dad made me watch after school.

Pumpkin I watched this so much!

A friend sent me this drawing that was done using only a pencil.

FairyPrincess Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

FairyPrincess Are you sure?

GemHeart No guys, this is an actual pencil drawing. They did blending, crossfading, etc. It's legit. People can actually do this

Velocity ...

CSeriestechhero OH. MY. GOSH.

CSeriestechhero I usually draw on Chrome Canvas https://canvas.apps.chrome

cassettekid O:

Twentyonepilotsan O my god

EloquentRacer92 Impossible!

What do you hear? "Brainstorm" or "Green Needle"? I can hear either one depending on what I'm thinking about.

cookie122105 hi whiz kid

lunamoonlight Same, I can hear both, but the clearity it amazing in either

FunHeart1010 Green needle.

lunamoonlight I got it to sound like "Greenstorm" Somehow

lunamoonlight Try NOT thinking about either word, try it a couple times, and tell what you hear

WhizKid I hear Gray Needle when not thinking about anything.

CSeriestechhero Both! whoa this is cool!

CSeriestechhero I'm friending you, WhizKid

poppyweasel32 yeah, that is cool

ammyk Green needle.

🎅🎅🎅 Merry Christmas Everyone! 🎅🎅🎅

Queeny Merry Christmas!

cookie122105 yeah

TylerTheDrummer Merry Christmas!

FunHeart1010 Merry Christmas!


KnightStar You too, WhizKid!

GemHeart Ditto to you!