1,740 Points

GemHeart Can you share anime pics you find on https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/909481/ ?

Pumpkin ho

JD2005 Wow... Beautiful!

Today was sort of a normal day but tomorrow we have no school (yay!) I’m sort of getting tired of sleeping at 11 every day because of the totally ABSURD amount of homework. I’m writing in a journal to clear up my thoughts but thought I’d share it with you guys as well. I’m so sad that our history teacher changed our seats. She wanted us to meet more new people, (she’s so nice that some people don’t like her) but I was sad because I really liked sitting with my history pod Lily, Jaden and William. But thankfully we still meet each other throughout the day. We had a speech and debate tournament today (they’re not going to announce the winners). It was really fun, many of my friends came too, I got to say my speech, and many do the speeches were pretty funny. In English we are starting a new essay and in Spanish we watched a video (I honestly don’t think you just walk up to someone when they’re unpacking their car and introduce yourself.) Since we weren’t supposed to have homework over the long weekend our math teacher told up to finish it during the last few minutes of class (“oh, you guys will be able to finish in 10 minutes!”). We had softball in P.E. and it was really fun. There’s this really weird boy at our new history pod who’s super crazy in choir class (trust me, he almost hit me because he got so excited) and Ms. Ferber told us to find out what we had in common. I think we had the stupidest ideas so we didn’t find anything in common. To give you an idea a: Jaden’s pod said they all liked anime. Lily’s pod said they like fiction. And other pods did things like that, but our pod? We asked what’s your favorite dessert, (which that crazy boy who’s name is Alejandro said he hates sweet stuff and his favorite dessert is vegetables) what’s your favorite color, what’s your favorite season...

I ended up coming home at 7:00 pm and it was sooo windy that I almost got blown over.

KnightStar 11 is pretty early ;-; maybe cuz I sleep at 3:00 in the morning.

Pumpkin ok

JD2005 :)

September 25, 2019

Hi guys,

My school day was pretty normal just like any other. In the morning I came 30 minutes early to go to Office Hours and revise my essay with my English teacher. Then the day went on as normal:

P1: English. We were going to start on a new essay, which was based from the book Hatchet. For those of you who haven’t read it, it’s basically about this boy who gets trapped in the wilderness for three months.
P2: Spanish. As usual, but today we did some unusually boring stuff about classifying syllables.
Break: We only have 10 minutes of break every day, so I barely can finish an apple.
P3: Math.We got our math tests back today and I did absolutely, absolutely horrible and I was so mad at myself. Luckily the next chapter seemed to be easier, so I can catch up.
P4: Elective choir. What is really nice about choir is that is always cheers me up. I can go in and be super devastated about the test but come out as happy, if not happier, than before.
Lunch: Lunch here is totally amazing, today we had chicken noodle soup, pizza, and vanilla pudding.
P5. Health. I love health, much more than P.E. as we have health on Wednesdays. Today we continued learning about how to deal with peer pressure.
P6/7: Double period science. Now normally we would have history during period 6, but on Wednesday we always have double period science and on Thursday history. I love all double periods, because for science we get to do labs and choose our partners (though today instead of a lab we did this really boring thing), and for history I get to sit with our pods and talk, and we’ve become really close friends. So for science today we had to learn about earthquakes and there was math involved
After school: I had to run cross country (I don’t know why I even bothered to sign up for that thing) and apparently running 2 miles when it’s 98 degrees is an “easy run”.

Now it’s 11:30 here, and I’ve been sleeping at 11 every day now because of the crazy amount of homework, I can’t wait to sleep in

JD2005 ;D

KnightStar My day: woke up. my mom and dad are screaming at me. I go to the bathroom and cry because of other reasons. my mom is still screaming at me. I then try doing school. I eat lunch while my mom is giving me a death glare. and then im doing this. yeet.

Pumpkin ok

FunHeart1010 My day:Woke up at 9 AM (yes thats early lol) to go to the dog salon with my grandma, cam eback had to do a final exam 4 times, then done 7 more subjects...an now it's 9:24 PM i just finished, and now imma watch YT.

forgxtten I share my day on my own Online journal.

forgxtten and I read Hatchet in 3rd grade, its a really good book

GemHeart yeet

KnightStar Artist I would like to see it, can you link or what's it called? I want to join

forgxtten yeah... https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/922425/ btw its closed

KnightStar Okay, I'll join ;-; I have closed groups all the time.

Hi guys, ever since school started I haven’t made any posts (actually I haven’t posted in about 2 months now). I can’t wait for Friday because we have one day off from school (we sometimes have these small long weekends) as my sleep schedule is pretty out of order these days.

KnightStar My sleep too, I go to sleep at 2:00 in the morning, or 3:00 AM.

Pumpkin hi

lunalovegoodmolly HEY

forgxtten heylo

FunHeart1010 Oh thank god, i thought i was the only one who went to sleep late.

forgxtten I sleep at 10/11 usually

Queeny Haha, I usually go to sleep at 1/2:00 am

forgxtten I get tired! Screaming at 3 boys every single second is tiring! XD but u probably don’t get that. Im the oldest of 5

KnightStar I have a twin sister is who is very aggravating, a little sister with autism who wakes me up in the morning, two hamsters that are SOOO loud with their wheels at night, and two other sister, one other that takes drugs but I don't see her anymore as I used to.

forgxtten you have a sister w/ autism? I thought that was ur cousin. They both do?

School’s not officially starting for me yet but tomorrow we have a full day orientation

lunalovegoodmolly That's to bad!

zanystar67 in the uk i start school again in about 2weeks

Queeny School already started 2 weeks ago for me!

I’m back from China. I’ve already overcome jet leg in 1 night, and I’m back to normal again. You don’t know how hard it was to try and access KidzSearch while I was at China. After staying a month at my grandmother’s house, I’m not used to my own home anymore :D

KidzSearch What made it so difficult to get on KidzSearch?

Willow7890 Google is blocked, and since I use the app, the app doesn’t work. Then I tried the website, and it was really, really slow, so I only got to make that one post.

JD2005 WB!

lunalovegoodmolly Welcome back. 😃

Happy Father’s Day 2019!

FortnitePlayer You too!

JD2005 Same!

FunHeart1010 You too!