1,740 Points

My tablet has a bug where when I try to type “Hi” it get autocorrected to “Chicken are cool”

FunHeart1010 XD

Willow7890 Seriously, it’s true


FunHeart1010 I know it's true, just thought it was funny...maybe search it up online. Like how to fix bugs in whatever type of tablet you have.

GemHeart I have a thing on my tablet that will correct words to other words (text slang to the actual sentence, like BRB). Maybe someone pranked you

Here I am, trying to draw anime (but evidently failing at it)

Bewitched67 IT STILL looks good

Rockst3r better than I could do

GemHeart It looks pretty good for a first try!

lunamoonlight Very good, everytime I draw pigtails it looks like crap, so this is very good!

FunHeart1010 Awesome!

What time do your guys usually wake up on weekdays?

qwerty456 6:45 Exactly

GemHeart 8 or 9.

lunamoonlight IDK. sometimes around when the sun is up, my parents wake me up on weekends.

KnightStar 7:00

Queeny 7:00

FunHeart1010 8:50 to 9.

And next week I have to memorize a chapter of my Chinese book and say it in front of the class in my own words, and the winner (I don't know whether to use "has" or "gets" ) to say it in front of the whole school

I have a Chinese competition tomorrow, and I'm pretty much doomed. How am I going to recite 230 phrases in 3 minutes?

lunamoonlight I used to learn Chinese, I can't remember anything now though, good luck

What time does is class normally dismissed in your school

Willow7890 For me it's 3, plus I have extended care so I get picked up at 6, but I'm sick today so I'm available right now

FortnitePlayer 4:07

lunamoonlight Online School. it doesn't/

Queeny Same luna. School doesn't end for me. It goes on till I have to go to sleep.

lunamoonlight My school goes from 6:25 AM to 8:00 PM

What is your favorite type of drawing?

FunHeart1010 Anime.

Bewitched67 realitic

lunamoonlight anime and semi-realistic.

KnightStar Other

GemHeart Anime, nature, and medieval.

Queeny Semi realism, cartoon, and realism!

ammyk Probably anime, manga, and/or nature.

Willow7890 Same here!

Willow7890 FunHeart1010, I can tell that your's is anime because you draw an anime picture every day, and you're really good at it

CSeriestechhero other, manga, anime, realistic, Computer Graphics (oh shrek yeah!)

What is your favorite subject at school?

FunHeart1010 Science..

Bewitched67 History

lunamoonlight English

KnightStar None

Queeny English

ammyk My favorite subject in our co-op is probably history.

FortnitePlayer Reading

CSeriestechhero Computers, Math, Science, PE, Robotics


lunamoonlight I would say Robotics or Rocketry but my brick and mortar school hasn't allowed kids to learn that yet and I can't very well do that online, but I like Coding, STEM (Science, Technology, Engieering, Math) was actually my favorite class at my last school (I don't have it online) because we always did coding or some cool science project (like making racecars go faster based on certain stuff, and for coding we normally went on hour of code and created games for other classmates to play, I made flappy bird game with flappy as a unicorn, low gravity, neon bars instead of poles, and lava floor and a cave background and you won a point whenever you hit the bar but not when you went through it, to make it a bit different.