This is what my class did today XD


Fuzzyjellyowl Lol

JD2005 lol

YumekoJabami LOL!!!!!

forgxtten ah, i haven’t done mad libs since third grade

Just watch around the 3 minute range

Another one lol

-MarshmallowSmoosh- Lol

Chubbybunny lol

China doesn't allow skulls in Fortnite so this is what Nut Cracker looks like lol.

Pumpkin fortnite cringe

ammyk Oh boy

CoralSophie08 bootiful.

EloquentRacer92 what about the regular versin

PrincessAnu Oh

Chubbybunny bootiful ;)

Yusss @Elo This is the America version

Just wow lol

ammyk I love it.

Chubbybunny lol


Me trying not to get mad while my hamster abusively bites her cage: 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤 😤

Nintendo 😂

Pumpkin I think putting it in a cage is more abusive

JD2005 @Pumpkin Agreed.

Queeny agreed with what country said, and if you have other pets like cats or dogs they could seriously harm the hamster if it was set free. It's way easier to lose a hamster in a house than a cat or dog. Hamsters are much smaller, so it's easier for them to hide and get stuck in things. There's also the possibility of you accidently harming the hamster if you don't know where it is. Plus, would you want hamster pee/feces all over your floor?