gone for maybe a day, and wow, the feed is loaded
gone for maybe a day, and wow, the feed is loaded
Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃🍽
thepanweebgirl 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃
ammyk You too!
h a l f d a y y a y
Autumn Yay
What is this emoji
lunamoonlight Clouds
fluffykitten1234 idk
cactuspot12 I guess clouds 🤷♀️
CrispyPlop That can't be clouds.
NinjaTal1 Why clouds? So random
lunamoonlight It is clouds?
Autumn Clouds?
cactuspot12 Maybe clouds maybe not? The recommended cloud emojis are: ☁️ ⛅️ so maybe even snow?
cactuspot12 I was listening to music on YouTube and had this animation of this girl
lunamoonlight Pretty, i like it
cactuspot12 Thanks
NinjaTal1 It is cool.
Twentyonepilotsan Ooo wow
h e l l o
h u m a n
b e i n g s
*very evil news alert*
The other kid in my instrumental class is no longer doing trombone because apparently it was disturbing other kids in the pod he’s in. Private lessons for someone...
cactuspot12 *evil laugh*
Twentyonepilotsan I play trombone
Happy Halloween!
lunamoonlight Yup
Autumn Lol when I check KN alot, nobody really posts, I feel like I'm the only one online here. But when I'm gone for a day or two the feed is loaded