2,240 Points

today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TylerTheDrummer Happy Birthday!

Holahi Happy birthday to you 🎶

FunHeart1010 Happy Birthday, and have a great day!

lunalovegoodmolly HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! 🎂 🍰 🎊 🎉 🎈 🎁

lunamoonlight Hope you get a cake failover

lunamoonlight Cakelover* flarfing auto correct

I am in canada so i might not be on so often

Pumpkin Kk

lunalovegoodmolly Ok.

FortnitePlayer Got it

FunHeart1010 K.

i am in a hotel in france right now.

FairyPrincess Hope you're having fun there!

lunalovegoodmolly Cool.

CSeriestechhero cool! Ding!

FunHeart1010 Wow cool! I hope you enjoy it up there! It's really beautiful! Go vist the Lourve, it's awesome!

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What are your top three favorite books?

lunamoonlight The Girl Who Drank The Moon, The School For Good and Evil, and Percy Jackson.

lunalovegoodmolly I can tell you my top three but some of them are series. Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, Fairy Tale Reform School. I think I most likely forgot one. Well they are all books I like. Maybe not my top three though.

Mine are my family, my books and my toy.
Sorry could not post pics because it took to long to upload.

cakelover Look comment below to understand

What amusement park is your favorited?

lunamoonlight Idk. Haven' been to one lately.

JD2005 Nicco!

FunHeart1010 NONE! I hate roller-coasters lol

Holahi Beach boardwalk in Santa Cruz California

cakelover Efteling