2,240 Points

do you have any cool quotes

What time do you get up in the morning?

cakelover 7:00

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS I get up at 7 too

Queeny On school days I get up at around 7:00, on weekends and breaks I sleep till 10:00

Queen157 11:30... do you guys think I should start an alarm clock?

Holahi 6:00

Holahi Yes queen

FunHeart1010 Weekends, 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM. Week days 9-10 AM

whereintheworld 6:20

What is your favorite magical animL

cakelover And by the way mine is unicorn

vanillacake unicorn

Queen157 Fire pegusus


Crazy4GUINEAPIGS Winka's are guinea pigs with wings

lunalovegoodmolly Phoniex or pegasus

Holahi Dragon

Romi330 Phoenix

FortnitePlayer A Maverick

FortnitePlayer Actually a Phoenix

What is your favorite animal?

cakelover Mine is a dolphin, monkey or elephant

vanillacake cat, dolpin porcupine

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS of coarse guinea pigs

Queen157 All sea animals

lunalovegoodmolly Dog

Holahi Dog and wolf and Siberian tigers

When is your birthday, and how many days to go

cakelover July 24 and 12 days till July 24!!!

FortnitePlayer March 13th and 244 days

Romi330 I’m not disclosing my birthday

Shared Post

My oc

JD2005 Awesome!

What did you eat for breakfast today?

cakelover Cereal

JD2005 Biscuits.

vanillacake pancakes

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS pancakes

Queeny Haven't had breakfast yet!

FortnitePlayer Yogurt and ceral

Holahi A piece of toast

FunHeart1010 JImMy DeAns BrEakFast BoWls!