I love this one!! It's a drawing of Cortana in her truest form.
How is everyone? At least it's not Monday and we are.... 4 days away from the weekend. ;(
LouTheLuver LOL yeah. I guess I'm good. I actually went outside today to the mall and got some bubble tea on the way back home
GemHeart Wow, you must live in a small town for your mum to let ya. I live in a super small town now, population is only 2,000 or so... we have a WinnDixie at least though XD
Crystal There’s a real WinnDixie? As in Because of WinnDixie? Wowiwwwee🥟
GemHeart Oh, you may not know, it's only a small town thing. My mum used to live in the Carolinas, and she has one. WinnDixie is a grocery store. We have a Piggly Wiggly here too XD All the small town stuff. We don't have a mall, so we have to go up to Tally for that.
GemHeart *teal highlights.
51350 points! Wow! I need to get paid, as my gramps says.
LOL! WB y'all!
Crystal Wow!!! Congratulations! Do you know how many points I have? I can’t see them
LouTheLuver NICE!! I have 20000 points I'm not very sure
GemHeart You have 26703 points!
HAY! Welcome back Albi!
LouTheLuver Welcome back!
AlbiSeli Thanks!
TwilightStarDust Long time no see!
GemHeart No problem!
AlbiSeli I was in a long vacation!
FunHeart1010 Welcome back my dude!
AlbiSeli Yeah
Guys, why has it been so quiet these past few days? I have gotten no comments on the comic I released on Saturday, and no comments on the new art I drew yesterday... WHERE Y'ALL AT????
LouTheLuver It's been really busy for me! Maybe it has been for others. But anyhow, I'm back! :)
GemHeart WB!!! I've been busy but I have free time so ya.
TylerTheDrummer I was at my Grandpa and Grandma's house.
GemHeart Cool.
TwilightStarDust I was pretty busy...drawing and drawing some and watching music videos and playing a game( Hello Stars) and doing chores and playing with my sister's Xbox and going to the store and helping with dinner and helping a the ranch and watching TV.
TwilightStarDust Aww thanks for shareing!!!
Crystal Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like she has water powers!
GemHeart No prob!
FunHeart1010 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LouTheLuver OMG SHE LOOKS AMAZING TWI! Just my opinion, this may be one of the best drawings you ever drew! :)