This is my new's channel:
Hello, and welcome to Live Emergencies! I am your host, @greatamazingcheezits and I will be talking about the COVID 19! Here is today's issue: We are out of toilet tissue and milk! I repeat, we are out of toilet tissue and milk! This is a major emergency here! We NEED toilet tissue for..... some reasons. We NEED milk because it is healthy, especially chocolate milk! Earlier, I talked with the head manager of the Ultra Soft toilet tissue company. It turns out, they have slowed making toilet tissue. You should have seen my face when he told me that. Later, I checked in with a cow farmer. The cow's have stopped making milk! Same face, anger. Well, that is all I have to say. Oh wait, don't forget the cookies. We are almost out of them and they are super good, especially the mint ones! So don't forget the cookies. Also the Lysol, don't forget the Lysol, super important! That is it for today, stay safe and buy milk! Static- shhhhhhhh, beep.
GemHeart MILK
Bravetea3 I stole the milk but I'm almost out
spiltmilk Umm, what's that thing next time the milk...
spiltmilk *too
Bravetea3 Cleaning thing for dishes our dish washer is broker
Bravetea3 *Broken*
spiltmilk I meant the plastic thing on top of the wooden board like the thing closest to it that's not the board its on top of
spiltmilk Not the sponge