You put a wrong reputation to those of different intentions to perceive a light that you never held. Painting a picture with one broad stroke of water on others to paint your mark. Breed like cattle, end chopped up in little pieces and thrown into hungry mouths. End goal is pleasure to yourself, pain to those you bred and "cared" about. This is why kids should get bullied, so they know how to not fall to those who would hold the only to stab them. Ya wimps.
KnightStar im always saying the weirdest stuff at 12:00 what
Queen157 @knight not just 12:09
Queen157 *12:00
Ada4 lol
GemHeart Wowza
KnightStar @Queen157 oh my gosh lol your right like anytime of the day. but i feel like my weirdest comes out at night-
lunamoonlight Knight's randomness and weirdness- 🎵We only come out at night🎵