Hewwo!!! Here is this cartoon style art! See ya!
Hewwo!!! Here is this cartoon style art! See ya!
Hay! What are some of your favorite TV shows? I REALLY like Emerald City, but I haven't watched it I'm three years. Though, its TV-14 and don't suggest it to younger audiences. I also like Young Dracula, as said before, and my favorite movie is Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
KnightStar *in three years
GemHeart Hey! Half-Blood is my fave HP movie too!
FunHeart1010 Hmmm...idk....star wars and Andy Griffith!
KnightStar IKR! LOL!
JD2005 Let me think... Umm.... The Adventures of Tintin... and.... Phineas & Ferb!
KnightStar Cool!
What is your favorite snack?
JD2005 I really like donuts for snacks!
KnightStar I like donuts too! I like doritos for snacks!
GemHeart Hmm....cheese or cookies.
KnightStar I like those too Gem!
KnightStar (;
GemHeart ;D
LOL haven't been on all day!
KnightStar LOL
FunHeart1010 Aw cutee!!!
JD2005 Wow! That's very good! Cya!
KnightStar Aww Thanks!
KnightStar LOL I have NO idea what the red thing in her hand was....MISTAKE
GemHeart I love it!!!
KnightStar Thanks!
Crystal Is that supposed to be you? It’s awesome!!
KnightStar Nope, I don't look nothing like that LOL. THX!