106,257 Points

What is your favorite animal?

rockabillykitty123 Cats!!! 🐱 🐱 🐱

lunamoonlight Wolf

KnightStar Rats and dogs!

Lavendershrews Pangalion,cats

whereintheworld Spied

whereintheworld Spider monkey 🐵

Holahi Wolf and dog

hghux555 A wild Pizza

lunamoonlight Hghux, hilarious.

cakelover I know this is weird, but..... Elephants and Dolphins.

Hi. How are you all?

ammyk I'm good!

FortnitePlayer Good wbu?

lunalovegoodmolly I'm ok.

Pumpkin Great! Let's try to make your ok a good!

hghux555 good. How about you?

I am busy the end of this week. So I won't be on.

JD2005 Kk.

Pumpkin KK

What is your favorite color?

rockabillykitty123 aquamarine

JD2005 Green, blue!

KnightStar Green and pink!

bella07 Blue, red and aquam

bella07 i mean aquamarine

FortnitePlayer Green and blue

Spoildgirl O

Spoildgirl Purple and pink


JD2005 Heyo!

hghux555 helllo

I am going on a trip this weekend. I won't be on. I am not that excited because I just got back from the last one.

JD2005 Kk!


JD2005 !aloH

Queeny Hello!

hghux555 !olleH

Who here likes Harry Potter?

FunHeart1010 I do!

lunamoonlight Me

rockabillykitty123 me

JD2005 I'm interested, though IDK anything about it!

JD2005 I might ask my parents to gift a HP book this X-mas!

KnightStar Yes! My favourite characters are Bella, Lupin, and Narcissa!

GemHeart Meh!!!!!!!!!!!!