8,349 Points
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Ada4 Wow

CSeriestechhero r/sbubby

so i posting this without seeing anyones posts so yeah, btw i cant see any posts hehe (also recently online friends posts!)

lunamoonlight Post then scroll

Pumpkin Oof

JD2005 I'm online!

THEMEGAMAN i have this before

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Who can read this?

Fae That is very interesting!

LouTheLuver OoO I can read it!!!!!!!!

PrincessLuna Me!

spiltmilk i can read this surprisingly. o-o

JD2005 I can!

Queen157 I cam

Bravetea3 Nope translation shall help

spiltmilk If you can read this, you have a strange mind too. Can you read this? Only some people cant. I couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. The phenomenal power of the human mine according to a research at Cambridge University it doesn't matter in what the the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter are in the right place the rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a whole. Amazing huh? yeah and I always thought spelling was important! If you can read this share it.

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Why am i not popular here? Teach me your secrets @lunalovegoodmolly @Gemheart @JD2005 @KnightStar

Pumpkin Lol

lunalovegoodmolly You are popular here. I don't know if I am.

KnightStar haha

Ada4 Well now you are


Autumn you are.

JD2005 You are!

spiltmilk I am?

spiltmilk or kitten?