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I know I have posted alot of Animal Crossing content, so here's this!

KnightStar maybe i should get animal crossing it is cute

Queen157 Adios amigo

KnightStar but thats sad. ADIOS LOSERS IMMA GO TO DA BAHAMAS

Shared Post

I think all kids need to come together and finely tell grownups what we think I am tired of being told that nothing is wrong even though I know when there mad and sad that means something bad happened like I know most kids just learned about the corona virus but we need to tell that parents (ext) need to stop treating us like baby's we will understand I am so tired that we are told to not do something and we aren't told why we should be good about these bad Situations so we understand what we need to do we are old enough to know what is happening all around us this makes me mad , sad , angry , Untrustworthy , and I fell like they think we can handle this we could start helping with this Situation that just need to trust us more ( show this to your Parents so we can raise awareness of how we can help too ) - Teagan aka bravetea3

spiltmilk I agree Teagan (and why does our gifted teacher shut down the chat???) .

HeyitsBabyKiki Yeah your right(:

Queen157 Agreed

lunamoonlight First off, not to be nitpicky, but you need some periods, everything is kinda a run-on sentence. Second, how old are you?

Ada4 Right, I mean I hadthisfriend who acted like she's my mom and I told her but when I did she threw me out

JD2005 Agreed luna, it's kinda difficult to understand.

spiltmilk I didn't make it.

KnightStar I just had a seizure reading that.

KnightStar but bro i understand jk jk