15,086 Points

Last night it got down to 13 degrees!

Crafter4017 Cool!

It's supposed to be snowing either tonight or tomorrow here in Texas!

TylerTheDrummer There is at least 1 to 3 inches of snow here now!

Romi330 No snow :(

FluffyBunnyGirl2 It's going to snow tonight in North Carolina and stay tomorrow!

There is a group I made about 2 months ago, it's called Find The Difference club, pleas join! It has probably over 20 you can do!

Fae What do you do?

LouTheLuver In this group, there are a lot of emojis, and what you have to do is look at a section of emojis that may SEEM the same, but if you search a little closely, you'll find that there's one emoji that's different from the rest of the group. It's really fun!

Romi330 Cool

Hmmm, what to do, what to do...

Crafter4017 Play some Tanki Online! Or kidznet.

Romi330 Oh hi crafter

KidzSearch, on the post, "This is my GIGANTIC RC that I got for Christmas! BTW, I will be gone on Christmas, so that's why I got this so early..." I was going to attach a picture from my file, (no personal info, just a picture of my rc next to a bottle) but when I posted it, I didn't see my picture. But maybe in a couple of minutes, it will show up.

KidzSearch Try uploading it again as a separate post. You might need to post the pic after the text

This is my GIGANTIC RC that I got for Christmas! BTW, I will be gone on Christmas, so that's why I got this so early...

Look at this Minecraft Mini Game that I made out of coding blocks! https://studio.code.org/c/499744479

FluffyBunnyGirl2 Coooooooool

GymnastPower Cool!

Crystal :)

TwilightStarDust Cool!

TylerTheDrummer You can play it you click on it.

TwilightStarDust No way! I'll try it!

WhizKid Amazing!

TylerTheDrummer Thanks!

Shared Post

Here is some Animal Jam facts. The game has more than 70,000,000 registered players, and is the fastest growing online children's game! The game is also very educational, it includes facts about animals while it loads (on app only). In the game you can socialize and trade. Trading is very helpful you have no money or not willing to spend it, and if you are not a member it is also very helpful!

KupKakeDoll Sweet

TwilightStarDust Makes me want to go download it again!

FunHeart1010 Hahahah! You should!

Crafter4017 Lol, I still play it! Super fun.

Where is everybody?

Crafter4017 Le in America in school

Whoever likes find the difference, or Star Wars, check out my " Find The Difference " group, or "Star Wars Fan" group!