My mom took away all my privileges and hasn't talked to me in 3 days because I called her toxic when we had a disagreement. She didn't even help me get ready for the first day of school.

The first one to guess the number I'm thinking of wins a shout-out. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 20
You only get one guess, but if you're in my group the Pumpkin Patch, you get two!

The #PumpkinPatch will not become yet another dead group.

First one to comment the cat emoji wins a prize!

cats > dogs
change my mind

Don't miss out! Join the pumpkin patch now and become a pumpkin

Durkah, durkah, Team Pumpkin.

Welcome to pumpkin gang, my fellow gourds.

Welcome to the Pumpkin Patch. I don't know what this group is supposed to be about but the name is pretty cool.

Group About
Pumpkin Army on top!
Members (12)