This is the best quote of Naruto!

This is the best quote of Naruto!
KS, can we post GIFs?
InkBoyJay Doesn’t work.
FunHeart1010 I already tried and it didn't work.
New song! This is amazing guys!
Sasuke through the ages.
Who do you like more?
GemHeart His kid version is cute! But I like the one below that one and the last one best.
KnightStar the last version is good (;
GemHeart Thx as always for sharing Albi!
FunHeart1010 KEWL!
GemHeart Thx FH!
KnightStar awesome! your really good as this stuff!
GemHeart I really like this, it's so creative. You are getting good Twi! Not that you aren't already! <3
TwilightStarDust Thanks for shareing AlbiSeli!
FunHeart1010 I love the shading!
JD2005 Inspiring!
GemHeart Cool art and quote! There's a similar quote in Bleach too, it seems that shonen manga teaches lots of the same messages.
GemHeart Which came out first, BTW? Bleach or Naruto? IK Bleach came out in 2001... didn't Naurto come out early 2000s too?
AlbiSeli Naruto came out in 1997.