9,194 Points

Cool pic, or not?

Hobbypig Cool

Crystal Wow! Is that you??

Queeny *Gasps* Back reveal!!! Just kidding, cool pic!

AlbiSeli Thx Guys!

AlbiSeli Yes ViVi, I am!

FunHeart1010 Nice!!

LouTheLuver So nice!!

GemHeart Awesome!

GemHeart Very cool picture! Also, if that's you, cool! I really like pics like this ;D

AlbiSeli Thx very much guys!

I was in a trip today in an Albania city called Shkodra. There is Shkodra Castle!

KnightStar never heard of it

Tintin1956 cool

GemHeart WOW!!!! I love seeing different countries' castles!

FunHeart1010 Wow! Id like to go there!

Wesley2004 COOL.

Me too! XD XD XD

GemHeart LOL XD XD XD SAME! I give da best advice ;) ;D

Hobbypig Me to

lunamoonlight i should listen to myself more often!

Have anyone any question for me?

AlbiSeli My dad work in Italy and my mom do handicrafts!

KnightStar I love lasagna!

GemHeart Awesome Albi!

AlbiSeli I have a dog called Samy.

KnightStar I have a dog too

lunamoonlight Ciao AlbiSeli! Come stai? Sto usando google traduttore perché faccio schifo su italian.XD LOL

AlbiSeli Ciao Luna. Sto bene, grazie. E tu? Sto usando google per informazioni. Non so come parlare in italiano.

KnightStar I only speak Spanish and English..

lunamoonlight lol knight

lunamoonlight Sto bene, lol

A gift from my sister!

GemHeart That's so sweet of her! I like the dice! It's a very boyish bracelet for sure. Is this the sister you put in your username as Seli?

KnightStar Cute!

InkBoyJay I like it!

hungergamesgirl888 shway

KnightStar what does that mean hungergamegirl888?

FunHeart1010 Wow, very pretty!

AlbiSeli Thank you guys! No, Gem it's not a gift from her. BTW I have 3 big sisters and it's a gift from my first big sister!

GemHeart Wow... 3 big sisters... so your oldest sister gave it to you? Cool!

hungergamesgirl888 shway is kinda like another word for cool I guess

I was in cinema today!!!

KnightStar Cool! What movie did you watch?

GemHeart What’d you watch?

KnightStar what i asked lol

AlbiSeli World War Z.

GemHeart Cool! What is it about?

AlbiSeli I it about a virus who change people to zombies and a soldier find the way to protect people from the virus.

KnightStar Cool!

GemHeart Sounds like my kind of movie XD

KnightStar XD YA

Your profile pic is really scary and nice at the same time! XD XD XD

FunHeart1010 Thanks XD

KnightStar I think mostly scary XD

AlbiSeli Who's Stella?

lunamoonlight Knight Star

lunamoonlight her real name

KnightStar I'd rather not my real name to be on the internet. Thank you.

I just want to say "WELCOME" to all new users!!!

KnightStar hii

Hobbypony The

Hobbypony I mean thx

KnightStar auto correct does that to me too all the time lol

lunamoonlight thank albi

I have a Scratch account and I have created a game.
Hope you guys like it!

Shared Post

Whose state flag is this?

Pugkid Albania

TwilightStarDust I don't know but its vary cool!

Crystal I dont think it is a state flag...

AlbiSeli It's Albanian flag and I'm from Albania.

Crystal WhY did you say state flag then? Huh?

QueenOfTheUnicorns Idk lol

JD2005 I don't know! 😔

Crystal I don’t think it is

Tintin1956 URS

AlbiSeli It is, ViVi!

Spidertheking Albania

Crystal Oh, sorry! I looks really cool!

GemHeart Albania of course! I only know that because you're Albanian ans I try to learn about y friends' nations XD

GemHeart * and I try to learn about my friends'

lunamoonlight albania