100,302 Points

Newest lineless art work! It's Hamilton fan-art btw.

KnightStar Good job!

FunHeart1010 Thanks!

GemHeart I like it, good job! :D

FunHeart1010 Thank you!

JD2005 Good job!

FunHeart1010 Thank you JD!

KnightStar I do suggest way more shading since its what separates (for example, the arm from the clothes since its on it, you can't tell it apart without the shadings.) It apart. And lighting, like draw where you think the light source is coming from. And adding dark shading where the light can't hit it. Its still good though!

Newest drawing! And yes semi-realism is my second style.

Queen157 Awesome

JD2005 👍 Great job!

"Ladies do not start fights, But they can finish them!" Omg she's so cute I think im gonna cry.

FunHeart1010 I love how they call their mom "momma" So cute!

JD2005 So cute!

FunHeart1010 IKR!?!

I'll draw you! Describe how you look and ill draw you! Please don't do it so descriptive tho, still need to keep this place safe.

JD2005 Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black and gently combed, Skin colour: Whitish light brown, Gender: Male, Age: 14. Is that enough? Thanks!

GemHeart Eyes are hazel, hair is dark brown and cut in an angled bob, white skin, American... you can draw me in a green hoodie too! Thanks if you do it!

KnightStar Hazel eyes, dark brown hair shoulder length with ringlets, white skin and Hispanic. And you can draw me a a blue shirt and a uniform skirt. I have glasses too.

f r o m a piece of J U N K

UsernamesKidds Aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Emelyisaway I actually have the I love refrigerators video on my tablet because it's so funny lol

FunHeart1010 XD

FunHeart1010 XD

FunHeart1010 W O W!

Queeny Apples and oranges get mixed together? I T S Y O U R R E F R I G E R A T O R

I l o v e a p p l i a n c e s

JD2005 S o d o I

Emelyisaway y e s

FunHeart1010 w o w w e s h o u l d m a k e a g r o u p o n a p p l I a n c e s

Lol so true

JD2005 Yeah... xD

UsernamesKidds MEMES

Queen157 Haha

lunalovegoodmolly LOL

Emelyisaway same????

bella07 Lolz

FunHeart1010 XD

GemHeart YES


i l o v e r e f r i g e r a t o r s

JD2005 I l o v e r e f r i g e r a t o r s!

Queeny I l o v e r e f r i g e r a t o r s

UsernamesKidds Hee

I am s h o o k

JD2005 :OOO


OMG I LOVE THIS! I used a tutorial on how to do lineless art, and here is the finished product!! It was kinda hard at first, then I used my 2 brain cells and figured it out

KnightStar Good job!

FunHeart1010 Thank you!

JD2005 Great job!

Emelyisaway Ooooooh very nice!!

FunHeart1010 Thanks!

Queeny I like it! You should do more lineless art!

rockabillykitty123 cool!

JD2005 @FunHeart1010 NP!

FunHeart1010 I am planning to on Monday!