#gemlas our favorite couple laying on the floor (don't ask).
🚭 #NoTobacco #TobaccoExposed #EndTheTrend #SayNoToVaping #SayNoToSmoking 🚭
🚭 Today is World No-Tobacco Day.
▪️Tobacco is highly addictive and injurious to health.
▪️Smokers are likely to have a severe case of COVID-19.
▪️Over 8 million people around the world die each year due to consumption of tobacco.
▪️Tobacco manufacturers are targeting the young generation.
Let's make every day No-Tobacco Day! 🚭
GemHeart Yup...
KnightStar And lots of people defend the use of drugs.. say no to drugs!
@GemHeart @ArtistGirl @legolasxx
Wanted to share this meme with y'all.
When LEGOLAS steps on a LEGO... 😂
JD2005 Find original group post at: #StopCoronavirus
lunamoonlight I see nothing.
lunamoonlight Nvm
GemHeart Oh no.
JD2005 Thanks Luna! :D
lunamoonlight Yup
JD2005 It's okay, and my b'day was 4 days ago. So, thanks! :D
Queeny I stan👌
GemHeart Awwwww thx LLM!!! You’re entered if ya want! THEYRE CUTE
lunalovegoodmolly Thanks!!! Can we enter more than once?
GemHeart Yes!