5,595 Points

I won!

ammyk I smiled at the first dog.

Ash That’s not enough to make me smile

JD2005 Couldn't resist myself from smiling, lol.

tacoboi the sloth almost got me

I saw this video from Crusoe the dachson, the end and the part near the end is pretty funny:

KingLouis It is soooo funny!

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did any of you tried bean boozeld. I started to but the beans started to get rancid. What of the flavors is the bad flavor section is your favorite? Mine favorite is Dead fish and toothpaste

lunamoonlight Toothpaste is the best. I've gotten dead fish before, tasted like tuna. I think canned dog food was the worst I've had.

JHAMMER2 it is very easy to tell weather you get canned dog food or not

Queeny oh ye, dog food is awful too.

KnightStar toothpaste. i got vomit and EEK. canned dog food too, though i cant remember it that well cuz i was younger when i tried them lol

bubblegum I can't eat jelly beans anymore from a weird expreience with those i had while going to flordia. (Bean Boozled + Car sickness=Never trusting/eating kelly beans again

lunamoonlight I had them a few months ago. At least my brother tried a few... and he got a dog food one too hehe

TomBoyFoxGrl me ohh lets try this me eats 5 also me *BARFS breakfast lunch and dinner*

EloquentRacer92 @lunamoonlight Canned dog food is indeed disgusting.

JordanLol dont make me say it

JordanLol i had rotten eggs dirty dish water and dog food and stink bug, + stinky socks why would i eat a whole can IDK

What are yall's favorite movie/TV show actor? My favorite is Don Knotts

ammyk Um... I can't narrow it down, but he's probably on my list of favorites.

bubblegum Mine is A Series Of Unfortunate Events, and my favorite actress is Malina Weissman

lunamoonlight Hm, been a while since I've watched non-animated television. Maybe whoever played Nuwanda or Keating from Dead Poets Society.

lunamoonlight Or Niel.

JD2005 Emma Watson, Robert Downey Jr. and probably Selena Gomez. :)

GemHeart Well besides the obvious one, I also like Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, and a few others, and Christian actors.

KnightStar Not really anyone but my celeb crush. And their movies suck so I guess no one.

JD2005 And my celeb crush, too. ;)

KnightStar WAIT, maybe Jeremy Sumpter. Peter Pan for LIFE

Sorry it was a long for me to make a post. I was running out of idea's for stuff that I can post, but I did make a meme


JD2005 LOL...

cookie122105 lol


fake place

ammyk Yo

JD2005 🤘🏻

I am getting notifications on Kidznet for people commenting on posts that i commented that aren't even mine. I will just the "Mark all as Read" if you want to tell me something from a comment from a post that is not mine. message me on what you want to say to me

ammyk Why don't you want to see what's going on?

JHAMMER2 I am getting notification for people commenting on post's that I commented on so for now on message me

EloquentRacer92 If you comment on a post then later, someone else comments on a post, you get a notification.

ammyk I want to see what's going pn, but I get why that would be annoying.

My plum tree has a lot of blossoms on it

EloquentRacer92 Ooh

JD2005 Nice!

Ash Pretty