2,030 Points

LesbianWolfFurry I'm the last one, but I wouldn't stick my arm in the machine. I honestly don't use vending machines enough to even know how to use one so eh.

PurpleMochi I fall in the: Someone makes fun of me, I rly don’t care. MY FRIENDS HOWEVER- *pulls out nerf gun*

LesbianWolfFurry I'm IcyHot's lol

LesbianWolfFurry Idk why Bakugo is there twice

LesbianWolfFurry I'm the first one. i can't stand not pressing shift, it's natural for me. !! And Title Case Is Stupid !! THIS IS NOT EFFECTIVE, I MAKES YOU SEEM LIKE YOU ARE SCREAMING INTO A VOID INDEFINITELY. ✋✋✋❌❌ None of this, too cringe ❌🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫. I have to be weird

Some days i may not be on very much due to school work and my sleep deprivation catching up to me, other days i will be on until late because i rebeled against my sleep and were able to stay up longer. So if you see less of me, thats why, however it could be normal some days.

JD2005 Kk!


Bravetea3 Hi

greatamazingCheezits Yo sup

Twentyonepilotsan 🌈

greatamazingCheezits Wow! Where ya live?