No more gay spam after this.
LesbianWolfFurry I woke up today by my calendar alarm saying that it is pride month.
lunalovegoodmolly happy pride month! Even if I'm straight.
lunamoonlight If it weren't literally the middle of the night right now I would be screaming about pride.
JD2005 Same LLM.
Do you use the same password for everything?
If I get to choose the password (unlike for signing up to school sites), yup I do. It is a strong password so it works on most sites. I USED to use a password for everything before too, but then I changed the password I use. The password I USED to use is Colorado18, Colorado because I pretty much grew up there and 18 because I was in elementary school and 18 was my number in the class. (We got our numbers alphabetically by our names, idk y they used the system though.)
forgxtten not everything, I’ve got like 3 that I alternate
JD2005 Yep, most of the time.
ammyk I use a variation of the same password for a few websites, but for kidznet and kidztalk I use a SUPER weak password which I should probably change... ok, brb.
lunalovegoodmolly Mostly
Emelyisaway i do mostly lol
KnightStar YES.
Queeny Kinda? I use a variation of the same password for a lot of sites
GemHeart Depends...
Jabber depending on the website
yeetman64 i have a few goto passwords i basically use for everything
JD2005 I love this lol.
greatamazingCheezits sa cool
What is your favorite song?
Mine is One Million Ways by Icon For Hire. I WISH IT WOULD BECOME AND OFFICIAL SONG!!! Ariel posted the song on YT as a small thing for her viewers, but the song itself is a Scripted (one of their albums) reject song. It is beautiful and needs to be an official song.
GemHeart I have many fave songs. I like Falling by Travis Daniel RN. I really like Sam Tinnesz songs, like The Raven.
Emelyisaway Right now probably Egg and Soldiers- Cosmo Sheldrake
KnightStar A lot, many of them are just movie songs lol.
Queeny Favorite song of the week- C'est toi qu'elle préfère by Alice et Moi or Mind Brand
JD2005 Too many to mention lol.
Well, I'm about to finish A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (which would make me have read half of a book in one day). Next, I might read a book that my friend Goose gave to me. Goose recently left school before the coronavirus stuff and gave friends random things from her backpack. I got the 3rd thing from her bag (the first 2 were notebooks), a book titled Lost Contact or something.