12,597 Points

Somebody asked me to do a Demon Slayer review for people who wanted to watch it. First and foremost, if blood and gore makes you squeamish, not the show for you. If you like supernatural stuff, action, etc. I totally recommend it. The picture below is at the start of the episodes (on Hulu at least) so... be warned!

EloquentRacer92 Blood and gore is not for me,

PurpleMochi ammyk it’s... kinda realistic and kinda a lot

lunamoonlight Lol. I'm fine with blood lol. You could have blood practically fill the screen, doesn't bother me. Realistic muscles and bone with that blood however makes me a little squeamish, but otherwise meh. I'll assume Demon Slayer doesn't have skinning, so I'll be fine if I wanted to watch it.

ammyk @PurpleMochi, I accept your challenge.

ammyk I watched the first episode on YouTube with the English dub. The voice acting is better than I thought it would be. There hadn't been a lot of gore yet, so I haven't found any nightmare fuel. Better keep watching! 😁

JD2005 But I'm NOT fine with blood. Oof. :(

GemHeart Yea, I saw it last night on Netflix I think, I think I’ll consider watching it.

KnightStar @lunamoonlight skinning is the only thing that makes me go like, "ew". skinning and scalping, that's it.

Queeny Wth y'all don't like skinless folks? That's discriminatory 😩 they are b e a u t i f u l.

ammyk @Queeny, oh yes... Of course...

My favorite moment so far in Demon Slayer

lunamoonlight Wonderful lol.

Ash I-

ammyk I want to watch it even more now.

JD2005 XD

ammyk So we're SURE she's not eating a book?

I WON THE DONT SLEEP CHALLENGE! My friend fell asleep after around 96ish hours. >:3

JD2005 Wow... Congratulations dude. O.O

ammyk Nice

lunamoonlight Congrats lol

Ash O.O

EloquentRacer92 You must feel tired! Maybe take a 48 hour long nap?

cookie122105 wow

cookie122105 wow

CoralSophie08 96 geez-

I’m tired so I drew myself asleep instead of actually sleeping cause im in a bet with my friend to see who can go the longest without sleeping (I have practice cause I’m an anxious mess)

ammyk Who's winning currently?

PurpleMochi It’s a tie, neither has lost. I’ll keep y’all updated

JD2005 👍🏻

@tacoboi Here ya go :3

Ash It’s cute

JD2005 Cute!

tacoboi thank you !!!

Me: I’m going to start a new anime...
*Starts Demon Slayer*
Me: Calmly watches a family get slaughtered 😌

TomBoyFoxGrl That is something that I would do LOL

JD2005 😶

GemHeart Ikr?? I started Tokyo Ghoul with my sister (I read some anyway) and she got disturbed by the prologue lol so we watched a cartoon—

CoralSophie08 Same girl sameeee

lunamoonlight Lol, Tokyo Ghoul is bloody. It's like the poster anime for gory anime.

TomBoyFoxGrl Welp I just learned that there are other people in the world other than me that like blood and gore

Me: Gets in any fandom, ever

ammyk Yup.

JD2005 Lol.

TomBoyFoxGrl LOL

GemHeart Ikr-

Me: *playing fortnite*
Me and other dude: *talking on voice chat*
Him: Supposedly, everyone has a gay cousin. Wby?
Me: Boi I am the gay cousin.
Him: YOU FA-
Me: Be more original 🙄
And that’s how to deal with a ✨homophobe✨. (I also blocked him) Be safe!

JD2005 O.O

lunamoonlight Unnecessary language random dude playing fortnite.

TomBoyFoxGrl Homophobes suck (just saying)

Ash Best. Conversation. Ever.

tacoboi Gets 10 kill drops the mic IM GAY BOI

Friendly reminder! ❤️

lunamoonlight And endorphins and dopamine. (Difference would be serotonin is your calm and happy chemical, dopamine regulates your emotions, and endorphins I want to say go hand in hand with adreniline.)

ammyk Aww, that art is adorable!

ammyk I don't socialise, I just eat chocolate to realease endorphins.

JD2005 :)