30,212 Points

That joy you get when your dreams come true. WHERE IS MY ADVICE COLUMN?! I WANT IT NOW!!!

TylerTheDrummer lol

FunHeart1010 Lol, Patience Queen, Patience.

About to earn my column! Wish me luck!

FunHeart1010 I wish you luck!

Person: I like your name!
Me: Thanks, I got it for my birthday.

Sliptooth35 Bravo, I actually didn't see that coming 😅

JD2005 Hmm...

GemHeart XD

FunHeart1010 lol

ammyk Lol!

Wanna get on this train?

poppyweasel32 yeah, if it involves something crazy, yep!

lunamoonlight Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Yeah I'd get on there.

FunHeart1010 YESSHH!

JD2005 Yeah! But why the girl is behaving like that?

GemHeart Which Spiderman actor is it? If it's the new guy, heck no, he annoys me so much XD

CSeriestechhero Yey. Hi Spidey!

KnightStar Yerp!

poppyweasel32 the girl kinda reminds me of my classmate lol

hghux555 dpider man , spider man, does stuff like a trash can

Hi! Something’s gone wrong with my iPad. Look:
If you have an idea of what’s going on, comment! This means “death” in Chinese apparently.

lunamoonlight I'm guessing it's because "hello" has hell in it and death relates to the underworld?

Willow7890 I had this with my iPad scepter when I type hi it says “Chicken are cool “

GemHeart XDDDDDD That's actually funny to me, IDK why

GemHeart Oh! And my post "Hello Updates" is there XD

ammyk Um.... do any of your family members have the password to your IPad? Cuz I heard somewhere that you can change that in shortcuts somehow, and ever since I have been trying to figure out how.

ammyk *by ‘that’ I mean what pops up when you start to type something. (Also, when you figure out how it got like that, tell me. I want to try it.)

Trapped in Time

Falling through the clouds,in the middle of nowhere
Having a fit and running until you get there
No one can escape the land of time
It’s like we are trapped in an invisible box,just like a mime

Those chains that try to keep me safe,it causes me to be a waif
A waif who cannot be kept in a place
They have to roam to find the perfect home
All they have is a bed made with loam

Because we are all trapped inside an evil dome
We all wish that we can escape
But we are all stuck to the tape,that sticky tape
Oh,the power it has seems impossible
But time is suasible

Time is suasible,you see it but can’t persuade it
Like a light bulb that can’t be lit,so you throw into that dirt pit
Where you can’t get it back again
And you don’t have the object’s gen

You ask yourself if there is a way
To go back to the day,where it all seemed okay
But you can’t escape
Because you are stuck to that tape

You are told to follow the light,that shines so bright
But do we do if we cannot find it in the problem that is so tight
Some people are blind,they let go of their mind
And the pain is just so undefined

Thanks for reading! I was inspired by GemHeart.
#inspired #beauty_poetry #trappedintime

lunamoonlight Kewl!

Pumpkin :)

Knight Star,Cookie,and Gemmy had decided to friend me in the past,but I did not know how to accept it!

cookie122105 ohhhh

KnightStar Just press accept

GemHeart Just go to your friends request button and press accept!

Queeny Press accept!

The iPad just insulted me

lunamoonlight E-roasted lol

KnightStar Haha

Queeny lol, lemme friend you

KnightStar My computer does that too

CSeriestechhero See is it with iOS, and iPad OS where Siri hates you and messes with you when you go on KidzNet while doing homework and was curious what 0 divided by 0 was?

GemHeart Yup, happens to me all da time

FunHeart1010 omah gawd

Pumpkin lol!

hghux555 #GetE-Roasted

Pumpkin oof