15,086 Points

Hey everybody! What's up?

Dorothy Nothing

PrincessLuna I started training with the sai last week. I got my own yesterday. I've barely put it down.

LouTheLuver I just ran a mile. Help me

GemHeart Good job Lou!

GemHeart Luna, what’s a “sai”? Like a sword? I’ve trained with the num-chucks, Bo staff, and Callie stick.

TwilightStarDust Not much. You don't go on KidzNet vary often do You?

PrincessLuna It's kind of like a dagger, but it has 2 more points sticking out the side. It's hard to explain. I'm sure Wikipedia has an article about it. By the way, it's nunchucks with an n. What's a Callie stick?

TylerTheDrummer Lou, once I hiked 17 miles in one day.

LouTheLuver Tyler, WOW! 17 miles is a lot. Nice! Also, thanks Gem!

GemHeart Sorry, ya, nunchucks. Callie sticks are sticks basically. I’ll post a pic soon!

I'm going on an rv trip with my grandpa and grandma. See you later!

GemHeart OK!

TwilightStarDust See ya!!

Thob12105 Se ya

Crafter4017 cya

I'm going to Tennis lessons in about 35 minutes!

TwilightStarDust Have fun!!

WhizKid Yum!

TwilightStarDust Yum?

LouTheLuver WHizkid wut?

WhizKid That was for the mashed potatoes picture above. Wrong comment box! 😆

TylerTheDrummer LOL!

LouTheLuver XD

For everybody that likes Fortnite, I made a group for that!

FunHeart1010 COOL!!!!

Starz Lemme innn!

Crafter4017 Awesome! BTW if you do actually play it, how many wins do you have?

Crafter4017 Victory Royale

TylerTheDrummer ZERO!

I just saw an add at the very bottom of the screen, isn't KidzNet ad-free?

KidzSearch We will try to keep the ads to a minimum so the service remains free. Please understand that many people are involved to develop, maintain, and review the content on KidzNet for safety.

TwilightStarDust Thank you for keeping us safe!!

I deleted the group so now what?

TwilightStarDust We go back to normal as friends!!

LouTheLuver Yep!

TylerTheDrummer Good!

FunHeart1010 Yay!

Hi! What's up?

Crafter4017 Hey

KidzNet, can you make the notifications, a little bit differently? Can you make it where you get a notification only if somebody comments on your post or a group request? Because, I get a lot of notifications! Thanks!

TylerTheDrummer BTW, it's like nobody makes posts this long anymore.

KidzSearch Yes, we can change it so you only get a notice for a question you started. Currently, it notifies you of other posts for a topic you participated in. This would cut down on the notifications.