I'm typing this on my new laptop!
I'm typing this on my new laptop!
Today, we're going to the zoo! We will take notes and write the animal's traits on a notepad.
xxSnowGirlxx That's cool! Tell me what animals you see!
TylerTheDrummer We saw an American White Pelican, African Penguin, Lion, American Alligator, White Tailed Deer, Caiman Lizards, Tomato Frog, Blood Python, Ring Tailed Lemur, Giraffe, and of course, The African Elephant! Of course, there was a LOT more than that, I 'm just telling you the ones I liked!
TylerTheDrummer I wrote down twenty one!
GemHeart Did you see a clouded leopard or a leopard? They are my fave big cats.
TylerTheDrummer No, I don't think so, but I would like to see one!
Whoever likes games, please join my Gamer's Group! Tell people what's your favorite gamer or game! (Link to the group if you cannot find it: https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/900515/ )
oceanseacamel, here is the link to my Gamer's Group: https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/900515/
Anybody that likes gaming, check out my "Gamer's Group"!
oceanseacamel i like gaming
TylerTheDrummer Then you should join this group, and post your favorite games!
oceanseacamel i can not find it ☹
TylerTheDrummer Go to this link: https://kn.kidzsearch.com/group/900515/
Kidsearch, can you add WisterieaMoon Animal Jam videos? Thanks!
KidzSearch Looks good. We added it to our list for gaming videos.
RANDOM POST! Drip's a drop, drop's a water water's nature nature's beauty, THANK YOU!
Crystal Haha!!
Well we just got into Tennessee!
GemHeart Cool!!!!!
Crystal nice.