5,428 Points

This is another pic of my area of rule:

FunHeart1010 Kewllll!

GemHeart XD Liner you should write a book XD

Wesley2004 I should... But they never come to be good...

This is a steam corvette, but there are also steam sloops and steam frigates.
The counterparts are just sloops , corvettes, and frigates.

GemHeart Cool!

I nearly forgot to tell you this but.... I was Lost Liner Legend, but I decided to change it. Which name do you think was a better fit for me?
Here are my latest pics:

Wesley2004 This is my fictional galaxy. This is where I live to plunder and steal.

DaGurlz Thats col,

DaGurlz 🤐!

DaGurlz ,

LouTheLuver Hey Lost Liner!!

GemHeart Plunder and steal XD

Wesley2004 See the big red spots? Those are my areas where mutiny happens most often.

I meant #HistoryLivesHere.

I have a club. Come join it. #History lives here.

Question: What does XD mean?

GemHeart It means dying of laughter. The X are the eyes, the D is the mouth.

Wesley2004 Oh.

Crystal Look at it sideways!

FunHeart1010 Yep! XD

If you need any help with history, I can and will help. 😁

JD2005 Thanks in advance! I shall ask you when I need help.

Wesley2004 Your welcome!

Crystal Thanks! Do you know anything about native Americans?

Wesley2004 Look at my club. I answer questions there.

Hey. So, what is the issue for this week? I would like to stay posted for any thing going on around here.
I am Wesley2004, after all. 🚀

FunHeart1010 no you're jeep XD

Wesley2004 I AM Wesley2004. I WAS Lost Liner Legend. MY BROTHER IS Jeep!!!!!!!

GemHeart Yes, this is not Jeep, this is Liner. Don't yell, Liner XD

Wesley2004 Ugh