These are my game play pictures from The Pirate: Plague of the Dead.

These are my game play pictures from The Pirate: Plague of the Dead.
Wesley2004 I had this one a video I made, but it failed. So I took screen shots.
This is a meme I found.
Nearly everyone has a face on here as there profile picture.
Wesley2004 Not.
FunHeart1010 XD
gusoisthebest ...HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH OH!!!!
JD2005 XD XD
The longest I EVER stayed awake was two days and one night.
KnightStar Wow! I stayed up till, like, three I guess? Not a lot, I know XD!
FunHeart1010 Me too, lol, we were traveling
JD2005 Woah!
JD2005 I never stayed awake for so long!
KnightStar I usually go to sleep at 1:00 or something!
FunHeart1010 XD
GemHeart HMMMMM. I stayed up all night once?
KnightStar XXXDD
This is the U.S.S. Constitution.
Wesley2004 * Also on google maps.
FunHeart1010 Oh nice, I've been there before.
JD2005 Cool!
TylerTheDrummer Thats cool! Its nickname is Old Ironsides!
GemHeart ;D
Wesley2004 I use google maps.
Wesley2004 I had this one a video I made, but it failed. So I took screen shots.