282,225 Points

Heyya! I won't be on this weekend (like always) but I'm checking in. How's it going?
Apparently today is National Irish Coffee day. As well as "Room Of One's Own" day, "Earned Income Tax Awareness" day, "Big Wig" day, "Fluoride" day...


lunamoonlight KEWL

lunamoonlight KEWL

KnightStar It's going good!

Artist Tip: Use a white pastel, crayon, or pencil as highlights for various drawings. Pastel (and corrector) works best.

FunHeart1010 Thanks!

FunHeart1010 Thanks!

cookie122105 yes

JD2005 Okay! Thanks!

こんにちは、お元気ですか。日本は本当にクールです。 とにかく、私はあなたに会えてうれしいし、あなたのすべてが私の良い友達になることを願っています。日本語で話しましょう!

cookie122105 やらせて

JD2005 LOL Wait... What did ya just say?

lunamoonlight Ummm... translation?

Queeny She said: Hello, how are you. Japan is really cool. Anyway, I am happy to meet you and I hope all of you will be my good friends. Lets speak in Japanese!

JD2005 Oh... now I got it! But sorry Gem, IDK Japanese. I don't have a Japanese keyboard either.

GemHeart I used a translator XD

I remember posting this a while back. This is what live-action Rinji would look like. Imma tryna find another, more accurate pic too, and I'll post that later. What would your characters look like in live-action? Search on Google and post it!

GemHeart (If her hair was longer, as well.)

cookie122105 cool

JD2005 Cool!

KnightStar I like it! Shes pretty!

FunHeart1010 Oooo pretty!!

Queeny Nice!

GemHeart Thx guys!

See y'all tomorrow!

cookie122105 bye

Queeny See ya!

KnightStar Bye!

JD2005 Bye! Cya!

FunHeart1010 Byee!