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I finally posted some more art and changed my profile pic. also, the first Frac/true episode is up! Squuueee! Enjoy!
See y'all on Monday!
Heyya guys! How are ya?
Got a math test today... grrr...
JD2005 As I told ya before, I was seriously ill, but now I'm better. Hoping that I'll be well soon!
JD2005 And I HATE MATHS, just like everyone else! XD Anyway, best of luck!
Queeny Haha, I had a literature assignment.... I hope I won't fail!
KnightStar Math is my favorite subject for some reason! IDK why, maybe because I have 98% and I'm not behind?
lunamoonlight I hate math, I'm good at it (like most my subjects) but I don' like it .
KnightStar I'm great at math, unlike most subjects lol.
lunamoonlight I would actually be passing my classes if I did my work more often and actually did the essays (I HATE ESSAYS! I CAN NEVER FIND ANYTHING GOOD TO WRITE!) And also probably if I stopped watching gacha, HA! But there is no way thats gonna happen.
Hobbypony Math is super easy for me but I hate it to many ?s
KnightStar I like math essays, but everything else SUCKS.
cookie122105 check out 7th grade math it suckkkkkks
Heyya KS,
Is it possible to create a option in messages so we can send pics (of course, they'd be reviewed first).
GemHeart *?
KnightStar I agree!
KidzSearch It is not possible now, but we will look into it.
Queeny Agreed! That be cool!
KnightStar Okay!
GemHeart Thank yo. ;)
GemHeart *u
My new catchphrase has become LOLZ. and Heyya. I'm odd.
KnightStar Haha! LOLZ!
Queeny LOLZ
lunamoonlight Mine is probably Flarf. and in real life it is actaully shut up, but that's mostly to bullies.
GAAAAAAAH! My INKING PENS ARE 2 MONTHS LATE!!! No, I'm serious! I ordered them after Christmas and BOOM they are late... never had any problems before, and now they say they'll be here Feb. 15th. Mum was like, "SCREW THIS" and ordered me another pack from somewhere else. Guess when they'll be here? THIS SATURDAY SO YAAAAAAAS.
Random. But I depend on my pens to get my mangas done.
KnightStar That happens to me sometimes! And YAY!
Queeny Lol, same with my Ohuhus! My aunt ordered them before Christmas, But they came almost a month late!
So, for my Frac/Ture comic, I have inked 10 pages and have 5 more to go. Hopefully I'll have it posted by next week sometime. Here's the link to the club if you want to read it (it's private): (I will only accept people's requests if I trust you, because I don't want it stolen.)
lunamoonlight Awesome!
JD2005 Cool!
KnightStar Luv it!!
Queeny Wow!!
cookie122105 luv it