121,739 Points

@DukeSilver meh fav song :d

KnightStar cheb mami is so good

Every time I go out of my house (like, in my yard) I find an injured animal. EVERYTIME.

I found an injured, lost baby squirrel. Found a lost, stuck baby possum. Today I found a cedar waxwing with broken wings (we're nursing him now.) ETC, ETC. Only me. I have some special senses to know when an animal is in need or something...? 🤒

KnightStar 7

ammyk Wow

DukeSilver Migrations. They keep getting more and more messed up every year. Poor things. Cedar Waxwings, though, those are some mighty pretty, special birds.

Pumpkin Awww. Poor thing

Ash You’re lucky, I’ve always wanted to nurse baby animals!

JD2005 :O

Queeny here is a picture of the birb, he is OK now, ended up flying away after a couple hours :)

KnightStar @DukeSilver ikr...

KnightStar 9 for the count of yesterday

Pumpkin cute birb

sometimes ks feels like a fever dream i had when i was 11

KnightStar actually, most times. def most times it feels like that

KnightStar scratch that, ALL THE TIME

DukeSilver What's that supposed to mean?

DukeSilver You don't like it?

GemHeart No, she likes it (it’s where she met me lol), she just means it feels kinda strange to think of. I mean, I’ve been here forever, and it feels like a dream to me too.

Ash Oof

DukeSilver Oh...

forgxtten same honestly, although I’ve only been here for a year and a half

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(random ytber): *rides in taxi*
Taxi: *hits pothole
Taxi driver: Oh sorry about that ma'am..
Her: Oh it's ok.
The next day

Queeny Lol gotta get them views

lunamoonlight Yep. Definatly NOT clickbait.

ammyk lol

Pumpkin TOTALLY not clickbait

FunHeart1010 XD ikr


lunamoonlight Lol

CoralSophie08 Are we SURE it isn't clickbait?

JD2005 LOL, TRUE. 😂

CrispyPlop Why does this happen

amongus9000 LOL

-MarshmallowSmoosh- @CrispyPlop IKR?

Bravetea3 it happens all the time

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lunamoonlight Yup

ammyk (Don't tell anyone I keep forgetting they even know each other for short periods of time.)

JD2005 XD

Queeny who? I don't know her

KnightStar @ammyk i forget ik online queeny

Autumn what does it feel like to have a twin?😭

KnightStar @Autumn dunno ? just a normal sib u share a bday with hehe.

lunamoonlight @Autumn Pretty sure it feels like shared birthday cake lol.

GemHeart Y’all, I have 3 sibs my age. That’s Birthday cake u only get once, no seconds <3

ammyk XD GemHeart.

Well bois IVE DONE IT. I am the most hated person on KT, along with another user we all know. Other user, we may be rivals, but hey, at the same time, we are similar in both being the most hated on here. 😎

5rjuju like chill

Sugarrushfa @EloquentRacer92 I don’t hate you at all either

EloquentRacer92 ok

Sugarrushfa Sorry if that sounded rude, I’m just surprised you think anyone dislikes you

KnightStar @5rjuju crackheads are chill. i am in always in a chill crackhead state

JD2005 :O

lunamoonlight The conversation reminds me of a friend irl who sometimes just asks if people want crack. Lol. (Jokingly btw).

Ada4 I don’t think your the most hated person on KT

ammyk How did crack get approved on here? Like, that's a lil sketchy.

ammyk A "Chill crackhead state" is what I aspire to have. Teach me your ways, oh great one.



I like Insta's new story update

Emelyisaway they had an update?? :0

KnightStar @Emelyisaway Yeah i think! the stories can pause etc (without tapping it until you wish it to unpause) and I got an email on other stuff

Autumn Why did they change the layout tho?

Ada4 I’m not allowed to Insta, should I be sad 😔?

lunamoonlight @Ada4 No, you should be grateful