HEYLO! So, today I'm going to see who's in which Hogwarts house and why! (SORRY IF I OFFEND ANYONE IF IT IS NOT YOUR HOUSE)
1. Lunamoonlight is in Hufflepuff! Why? Slytherins are VERY conservative people who tend to dislike anything other than them and keep pride in conserving their purity and often have a distaste to open ideas. Hufflepuff's are loyal, open, kind and all-round amazing people! It seems you have a tendency to dislike bullies, which is a Hufflepuff thing, so that's your house! :D (Also because Slytherins, though not all but the idea is still in their head, are judgmental.)
2. ArtistGirl is a Ravenclaw! You seem like one to me, and you most likely consider yourself one too. Smart, okay I don't know much of what to say, but you just seem like one lol.
3. Gemheart is a hard one to tell, I actually don't know about this one! It's one of the ones where it's up to you, but I would say Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff!
4. JD2005 is a Hufflepuff, and I feel like I am doing Hufflepuff to much but you really seem like one to me. You seem kind and also always wanting to help people, you are also one of the most amazing and less judgmental houses! While Slytherin and Gryffindor are fighting, y'all are just laying back and peacefully watching the three other houses.
5. Queeny: Ravenclaw, um now questions? Well, you are *cough cough* smart-witted and kind of just....
6. FunHeart1010 is a Slytherin! Welcome! You seem like a conserved person too, and prideful and confident! And prideful in a very good way, standing what you believe in.
That's all I have for now, but I am very well educated in houses so no changing my mine!
JD2005 😄
Pumpkin k
lunalovegoodmolly I am a Ravenclaw myself
lunamoonlight Okay then.
forgxtten thanks! but I’ve aken the test 8 times, half of the times I got ravenclaw and the other I got gryffindor.
KnightStar Well, just decide what you are then! Either a Gryffindor or a Ravenclaw, your choice and what you might excel in.
Queeny hmm, my IQ says otherwise
forgxtten I’m a GryffinClaw or a Ravendor
forgxtten I pick Gryffindor, I think if I met a Slytherin- no offence, but if one insulted me I’d punch them in the face.
forgxtten also I took the test again twice and got Gryffindor both times. that’s what I am!