One of my ears have been really badly clogged for the past few weeks. If you don't know, my ears are always clogged. But see, my ears pop bad on airplanes, and when I was swinging I couldn't even take the pressure and they painfully popped. When mine popped on a airplane a few years ago...that was the worst pain of my life. No joke. I need really bad help because I've been taking medicine but its not helping and tomorrow morning I have to go. Please guys??
JD2005 I feel sorry for you. But sorry, I don't know what should you do.
KnightStar Thanks WhizKid! I'll buy some Chewing gum
KnightStar Luna, too bad, well I've been on it three times to go back to Panama.
forgxtten make yourself yawn.
Emelyisaway Chew gum, my grandma always does that oof
lunalovegoodmolly Gum works actuallu
KnightStar Okay, turned out I had an ear infection. painful...
lunalovegoodmolly Ugh
forgxtten yup. I had one! actually 2 it was in both ears.
KnightStar Yeah, me too but the other one cleared up before the trip.